Wavelets and Beyond - A celebration for Alexandre Grossmann and Yves Meyer
12-14 Jun 2019 Orsay (France)
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Poster session
Alexandre Grossmann
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Wednesday 12
13:30-14:30: Welcome coffee
14:00-14:30: Introduction
14:30-15:15: Martin Vetterli “
Interference Imaging and Lippmann Photography
15:15-16:00: Eric Chassande-Mottin "
Sicut in caelo and in terra -- Data representations for seismic and gravitational waves
16:00-16:30: Coffee break
16:30-17:30: A tribute to Alex Grossmann by
Ingrid Daubechies
Thierry Paul
Bruno Torresani
17:30-19:00: Welcome cocktail and concert by quatuor Castillo
Thursday 13
9:00-9:45: Claudine Landés "
De l’algèbre linéaire pour la comparaison des séquences biologiques à l’étude de l’évolution du génome du pommier
9:45-10-30: Richard Baraniuk "
Multiscale Deep Learning
10:30-11:00: Coffee break
11:00-11:45: Ingrid Daubechies "
Lovely bones: A mathematical and biological dialog
11:45-12:30: Ginette Saracco ''
Has the Earth's magnetic field periodically collapsed since its last reversal, 780.000 ago?
12:30-14:30: Lunch buffet
14:30-15-15: Patrice Abry "
Multivariate self-similarity : Wavelet eigen-analysis
15:15-16:15: Coffee break and Poster Session
16:15-17:00: Françoise Argoul "
Multiscale and nonlinear properties of cardiac signals: a wavelet-based study of their variability
Friday 14
9:00-9:45: Sylvie Roques "
Dissection multiéchelle de quelques systèmes naturels : cryosphère Antarctique et pulsations solaires, apports sur le climat terrestre
9:45-10-30: Jean-Luc Starck ''
Blind galaxy survey images Deconvolution with Shape Constraint
10:30-11:00: Coffee break
11:00-11:45: Thierry Paul "
Quantizations of the quadratic Monge-Kantorovitch distance
11:45-12:30: Ronald Coifman "
Coherent states: analysis, geometry and physics. In the footsteps of Alex Grossmann and Yves Meyer (in the age of machine learning)
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